Word around the office hasn't been favorable for this movie. Actually nearly everyone who saw this that I talked to said they didn't like it. So I let it sit in my pile of movies by the TV for awhile, I mean the latest Tim Burton movies have failed to do anything for me; Big Fish, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride. All dumb. But something made me put it on, and to be honest, it wasn't BAD. It's kind of like "Phantom of The Opera" meets "Sleepy Hollow". It is a full on musical, which I know many people aren't that into. But, the music was really good, the kind thats intriguing the first time you listen to it. Johnny Depp pulled off some impressive singing. There is this young kid, Ed Sanders, who plays Toby, BOY can he sing. And the costumes were beautiful, VERY reminiscent of "Sleepy Hollow" all the way down to certain hairstyles. Storyline; I liked it, unlike previous efforts (Big Fish) that left me completely confused, this movie told a tragic story that moved straight from beginning to end. If you didn't check this out in theaters and you are someone who likes musicals, or were a fan of "Sleepy Hollow" or "Edward Scissorhands", you'll probably like "Sweeney Todd". If not, you're probably normal like everybody else, and will think it stinks.
"Sweeney Todd" hits DVD Tuesday April 1st.
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