Alphabeat is a rad band from Denmark that is hella catchy. Good, danceable POP. Check out their video for the single "Fascination".
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Sasquatch Gang

Trailer Trash: I'm Reed Fish
So apparently this has been on DVD since September 07, but I just saw it on a new DVD and had never heard of it. Looks cool:
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Coming Soon: Street Fighter-The Legend of Chun-Li

1995, The year we all made fun of Jean-Claude Van Damme and chose to watch "Mortal Combat" instead.
2008, The year that is tentatively scheduled to release a NEW film version of "Street Fighter" starring Lana Lang from Smallville as Chun-Li. Wait? What?
So talk has been on for awhile that they are doing this new Street Fighter movie. had some cool cast list thing I felt like sharing, that got me to look up other peoples thoughts on this, and apparently I'm not alone in thinking this may not be the best idea.
The first movie is already kind of a joke, and a remake looks like it will be received much in the same way. Kristen Kreuk really isn't all that impressive an actress, and I don't think you can really make a Street Fighter movie that is centered around Chun-Li. Granted the movie version of "D.O.A" was a similar type of movie that focused on the girl fighters and I thought that turned out pretty good. But, something doesn't seem appealing about Lana Lang with Princess Leia hair trying to fill Jean-Claude Van Damme's shoes. Chris Klein is also in this, who I can't really take seriously because A) He dated Katie Holmes pre-Stepford, and B) I can't think of a single movie he was in that was good (If anyone is thinking "Rollerball", we can't be friends anymore). Anyways, thats my two cents, I'll probably see it anyways just because I like movie adaptations of video games and Neal McDonough. We'll see.
So, here's Maxim's cast list:

Kristen Kreuk from TV's "Smallville" will play Chun-Li

Michael-Clark Duncan was my FAVORITE in Tim Burton's remake of "Planet Of The Apes", he'll play Balrog

Chris Klein's only moderately decent work was "American Pie", he'll play Charlie Nash

Sexy ass Neal McDonough who was just in the sci-fi miniseries "Tin-Man" will play M. Bison

And Taboo from "The Black Eyed Peas" will be Vega
Anyone still thinking this is a good idea?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Run Fatboy Run

Well I suppose all I thought was that it was OK, Scar thinks it was better than OK... but this is MY BLOG! So this movie is JUST OK. I had high expectations for it considering it stars Simon Pegg of "Shaun of the Dead", Hank Azaria, and Thandie Newton, all of whom are favorites of mine. It is however directed by David Schwimmer (Ross from Friends). Schwimmer and Pegg costared in the straight to DVD "Big Nothing" which was a major let down. So basically Schwimmer needs to get away from the hilarious Pegg. I mean, this movie didn't suck, I'd watch it on an airplane or something. "Run Fatboy Run" gets its state-side release in theaters Friday, March 28th. If you are a fan of Pegg he is his usual hilarious self so check it out.
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Word around the office hasn't been favorable for this movie. Actually nearly everyone who saw this that I talked to said they didn't like it. So I let it sit in my pile of movies by the TV for awhile, I mean the latest Tim Burton movies have failed to do anything for me; Big Fish, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride. All dumb. But something made me put it on, and to be honest, it wasn't BAD. It's kind of like "Phantom of The Opera" meets "Sleepy Hollow". It is a full on musical, which I know many people aren't that into. But, the music was really good, the kind thats intriguing the first time you listen to it. Johnny Depp pulled off some impressive singing. There is this young kid, Ed Sanders, who plays Toby, BOY can he sing. And the costumes were beautiful, VERY reminiscent of "Sleepy Hollow" all the way down to certain hairstyles. Storyline; I liked it, unlike previous efforts (Big Fish) that left me completely confused, this movie told a tragic story that moved straight from beginning to end. If you didn't check this out in theaters and you are someone who likes musicals, or were a fan of "Sleepy Hollow" or "Edward Scissorhands", you'll probably like "Sweeney Todd". If not, you're probably normal like everybody else, and will think it stinks.
"Sweeney Todd" hits DVD Tuesday April 1st.
"Monkey Portraits" by Jill Greenberg

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Trailer Trash: Forgetting Sarah Marshall
This has apparently been out for awhile, but I never thought to search for it... Looks HILARIOUS.
Stephen King's The Mist

This is what Pete Hammond of MAXIM magazine had to say about The Mist. I don't think there is a better way to summarize my review of this film. Never in my life have I experienced a feeling like that of the conclusion of this movie. "The Mist" is adapted from Stephen King's 1980 Novella and is directed by Frank Darabont (who also directed King's "Green Mile" and "Shawshank Redemption"). The storyline is intense and actor Thomas Jane delivers a POWERFUL performance, but the twist ending is definitely the star. It is a startling look at humanity and survival. If you are a fan of suspense or thrillers this was made for you. Certainly for anyone who loved "Cloverfield". I'm not that into scary movies and I was blown away by how much I loved this. "The Mist" will be available on DVD, as well as 2 disc Special Edition, this Tuesday, Mar. 25th. Let me know what you all think of it!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Coming Soon: Lost Boys 2- The Tribe

(The trailer is for a vampire movie, so if you hate that kind of stuff you might not wanna watch)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Can't get enough Tudors?

SingStar 90s

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith


The Spiderwick Chronicles

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
New Music Tuesday

After all, when I first got a hold of Motion City Soundtrack's newest album "Even If It Kills Me", I felt that it too had lost its edge in comparison to their older records. After listening to it for a few weeks it quickly became one of my favorite records. Although its pace is much slower than its predecessors, "Even If It Kills Me" is a beautiful and creative album that grew on me and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in discovering something new.
Looking for a great 80s compilation? I know I always am! Last week, "NOW! THATS WHAT I CALL THE 80s" came out, I love these compilation CDs in the car when my iPod runs out of batteries. It makes a good substitute for Playlists. Anyways this is a good one; Michael Jackson, Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Duran Duran, Bob Seger, Herbie Hancock, Heart, and more...

Firstly, the sexy ass new Jesse McCartney video has been making the YouTube rounds this week but if you have yet to see it, here is the first single "Leavin" off "Departure" which will hit record stores May 20th.

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears A Who!

So if you are a kids movie nerd like me, a Seuss geek, or just someone with a bit of free time; get out there and see this.
(this takes a while to load; hit play then pause, let it load, and enjoy!)
Jovovich-Hawk hits TARGET.
Milla Jovovich and Carmen Hawk's L.A.-based namesake label is in its fifth season. The first collection was bought exclusively by Fred Segal and sold out almost instantly. The label continues to build a fan base around the world and is now stocked in stores such as Ron Herman, Net-A-Porter and ShopBop in the U.S.
The collection ranges in price from $12.99 to $39.99. Standout pieces include a chic navy starred vest, a crinkled chiffon babydoll apron dress, comfy cotton t's, and navy linen culottes. Accessories include an oversized linen bag in navy, as well as a beachy black floppy hat.
I picked up a couple of pieces today and absolutely love everything they have to offer. Its a really fun and flirty lineup, and the prices are great.

Trailer Trash: WALL-E and Nim's Island
Check Out the All New "WALL-E" trailer that came out this week before "Dr. Seuss's Horton Hears A Who". It really shows off the cute plot of the next guaranteed hit from Pixar Animation. This movie has been one of my MUST SEES for awhile now, so I'm really excited to show it off. The quality of the you tube is also amazing! It looks better than the quality that showed in the theater, so click below to see. I also wanted to share the trailer for Abigail Breslin's new movie "Nim's Island" which also debuted this week with Horton, it looks pretty cool. By the way, pay attention to the helicopter pilot... it's BOBA FETT!
(these take some time to load; so hit play, then pause, go get some cocoa while it loads, come back and enjoy)
(these take some time to load; so hit play, then pause, go get some cocoa while it loads, come back and enjoy)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Basically AMAZING News

![]() |
Jonah Hill and Jason Segel star in the upcoming "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" |
In the upcoming "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", Segel's character writes a 'Dracula' musical performed by puppets. Those cloth creatures were custom-made by the Henson puppeteers, and the experience emboldened Segel to pitch his concept for a Muppets movie. Segel enlisted Nick Stoller to co-write and direct the project.
Segel and Stoller just made another deal to co-write the comedy "Five-Year Engagement," with Stoller helming and Segal starring.
I am very excited to hear not only that there is a Muppet movie in the works, but that it is the brainchild of an amazingly talented actor and comedian whose work I am a HUGE fan of. Life is good.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Speaking of shows, Mario Lopez took a 49 second dramatic pause during the elimination announcement on America's Best Dance Crew. Yes! I counted. That should be illegal. 49 seconds is almost a minute of silence; gross, annoying, dumb silence. Plus the episode sucked so I was not pleased. Other things that don't please me: new PURPLE? $5 US bills. Where do we live? DENMARK? C'mon PURPLE! These dollars look WEAK! Like a cheap Euro. I am sorry Abe, now you have a big dumb purple 5 on your backside.

Other backsides: Daniel Radcliffe's. Warner Bros announced today that the film version of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows"(the final installment in the series) will be divided into 2 films, because there is just too much badassedness to fit into just one movie. The first will hit theaters holiday season 2010 with the follow up arriving in May 2011. Yes they will be referred to on movie posters as "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 1" and "Part 2". Strange but Satisfying, more movie for me!
That does it for today!
PS check out my SWEET transitions. smooooth.
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