THAT IS SERIOUSLY WHAT IT IS CALLED. "MMMH...TRESOR". Best name for a cereal ever? I think, yes.
I hope Tresor is European-ese-ish for Treasure, because that is what this ish is! The greatest cereal ever made.
The little sister just came back from visiting Switzerland, where my aunt served her this Swiss delight. A Hazelnut Chocolate (aka Nutella) cereal that defies all comprehension.
Ok so here is what I have been able to deduce regarding this gem. It goes by several different names across Europe, and there are 3 types.
There is the flat out "Kellogg's MMMH... Tresor Choco Nougat", which is a crunchy outer cereal that tastes like "POPS" with a Nutella filling middle. It is kind of reminiscent of those Koala bear cookies all us Diamond Bar kids used to eat. And then there is "Kellogg's MMMH... Tresor Choco Toffie" which has a chocolate caramel filling. And in some countries there are "Kellogg's Tresor Brownie" which is an all Chocolate variation. In Germany the cereals are attached to the "Frosties" and "Smacks" brands, so the already insanely long title of the cereals become "Kellogg's Smacks MMMH... Tresor Choco Nougat" and "Kellogg's Frosties MMMH... Tresor Choco Toffie". In France they sell as "Kellogg's Smacks Choco Tresor". The Frosties Caramel one has taken off and is also known as "Kellogg's Frosties Tresor GRRR" and "Frosties GRRR". Other incarnations are "Kellogg's Tresor Chocolat Noisettes", "Kellogg's Tresor Chocolat Caramel", and "Kellogg's Tresor Test Au Chocolat". Another incarnation from Italy is "Kellogg's Coco Pops Choco Tresor" which features the Coco Pops Monkey on the front. There could be one that has a milk chocolate filling too called "Kellogg's Tresor Melkchocolat", but the internet is kinda of confusing in all these other languages. The point is, whatever it is called, you need to be able to identify it so you can indulge in it's sugary delight. It is Manna, trust me, god said so in my heart while I ate it.

1 comment:
tresor totally equals treasure in french. bravo!
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