If you haven't seen it by now what the hell are you waiting for. The Dark Knight is absolutely brilliant. As everyone's been saying, Heath Ledger as the joker is basically the best performance ever given by an actor ever. Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/ Two-Face is also fantastic. The plot just rolls along perfectly and you are strapped to the back of your chair. It is just flat out good fun. BUT I love to talk shit, so lets. WHAT THE HELL was the studio thinking casting Maggie Gyllenhal to pick up the character of Rachel Dawes where Katie Holmes left it. Granted Maggie has a similar look to Katie, but that is all the similarity. She played the character practically dead. She had ZERO emotion in her voice or face the entire time. She exits the film and I don't feel the emotions I'm supposed to feel for her. AND Who told Christian Bale he could use that weird ass voice when he was in the Bat Suit. It was like "Hold on Now Im Batman, So I have a creepy ass throat irritation". Didn't make an inch of sense to me. and the credits looked like they ran out of money and typed it up quick on Microsoft Word. Those were the big problems I had with it, I hate to get sucked out of a movie and those two decisions were very good at doing it. So basically big ups to Heath for basically owning this picture, all the Oscar Buzz is definitely justified. Aaron Eckhart was bomb (he's also great in this movie just hitting DVD called "Meet Bill"). I loved the cameo from Cillian Murphy as the Scarecrow. Maggie Gyllenhal should retire, and Christian Bale should maybe rethink his acting choices. All in all badass movie.
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