Man! This movie was so bomb!! I hadn't been interested in seeing it, but the overwhelmingly good reviews convinced me to give it a chance. Alicia and I went to go see it at the drive in, which made the experience that much better, movies are always better on giant screens. Robert Downey, Jr. epitomizes Tony Stark perfectly; a cocky, arrogant, womanizing, billionaire. I had my doubts but he totally rocked it. The suit looked gorgeous on screen, as did all of the special effects. The music is also something that really stands out, you can't help but notice really good choices were made when selecting the soundtrack. The rock beats help keep the pace of the movie strong and set a nice aesthetic. And Terrence Howard is just perfect as Jim Rhodes (by the way, keep an eye out for his 'War Machine' suit in the flick accompanied by a witty, foreshadowing one liner). The only performance I had any issue with was Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, maybe cuz I'm not a fan of hers, or maybe cuz she played the character a bit too frazzled. Either way, I didn't get it. All of that means nothing though if you stay until past the end credits and are lucky enough to catch Samuel L. Jackson show up as Nick Fury, definitely my favorite part. The story is PACKED with more action then we've been allowed in recent superhero flicks (remember that atrocity Spiderman 3, or XMen: The Last Stand... garbage!), so Iron Man is a real breath of fresh air. I am highly recommending this movie if you are a fan of high octane comic flicks. It was such a blast. BRING ON THE SEQUEL!
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