Tuesday, April 22, 2008

is it too late to apologize?

School has been crazy this quarter and there has been about a million things going on in my life right now, so I really want to apologize to anyone who actually reads this blog. Sorry I've been ignoring the internet, but hopefully I can finish off the month of April by sharing some interesting perspectives with you. Just to put it out there I have finally turned 21, I've started acting again at school, and I've made about 25 new legitimate friends this month and I'm really trying to spend time with all the people who matter. On top of all the busy work I've given myself, my store is closing. I've worked at this Blockbuster for 3 years but I've been in there practically everyday for the last 20 years. This is MY store, my little safe haven, and now the lease is too high to make the rent. So I'm dealing with all that end of an era crap. No fun.

Anyways I just wanted to share a little about my life right now, not trying to excuse my absence but just to give you something MORE to read.

Love you all. Gina Gina.

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