Here's some of what I saw in the film and found online:
OG Trek references
(My Personal Favorite) In the scene where we first see Scotty, there is a cage on his desk and you can hear purring. In the cage is a small furry creature. It is a Tribble, a furry pet that does nothing more than eat, reproduce, and bring comfort to humans. It makes it's debut in The Original Series episode "The Trouble With Tribbles". At first you can only see one in the cage, by the end of the scene there are two.

Another item from The Original Series is the Bottle of Saurian Brandy that Kirk uses to bash the cadet over the head in the bar fight. This "Flagon" or Bottle appears in the episode "The Enemy Within".

In a possible Nod at Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Evac kit that Kirk wears when he lands on Delta Vega has a registry code ‘NCC-1701-D’. This is the registry of the USS Enterprise-D, which of course hasn't been built yet and will be captained by Jean-Luc Picard.

In the end credits two songs heard in the movie (”Josh Greenstein” and “Awasoruk Jam”) are listed as being “Written & Performed by Cyrano Jones". Cyrano Jones is the name of the intergalactic trader responsible for introducing tribbles in the OG episode “The Trouble with Tribbles.”
The Vulcan Ship "T'Plana Hath" from the film "Star Trek: First Contact" can be seen in the Shuttlebay of the Narada (Nero's ship).

Scotty says he has been banished because he lost Admiral Archer's prized Beagel. Admiral Archer Captained the original Enterprise NX-01 in the series "Enterprise", his prized Beagel was named Porthos.

The Centurian Slug getting put down Captain Pike's throat is an homage to The Ceti Eel. The Ceti Eels are Slugs that go in your ear and attach to your brain so someone can control you. They are from "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan".
Spock strands Kirk on planet Delta Vega, the same planet he suggested stranding Lt. Commander Gary Mitchell on in the second pilot episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before".

Kirk is eating an Apple during the Kobiyashi Maru test, this is an homage to the scene during "Star Trek: Wrath of Khan" where he eats an apple in the Genesis Cave while explaining that he cheated on the test.

Sulu's ability to fence is from a vintage episode "The Naked Time".

Pretty obvious, but the guy in the red suit who dies on the drill is a HUGE reference to the curse of the redshirts. This stems from the original series, in which anonymous security or engineering (red shirts) would go out on landing parties and die to show the severity of the danger in the situation.

There's a quick mention of the USS Farragut when Uhura talks Spock into assigning her to the Enterprise. The Farragut was the ship Kirk served on for several years, prior to his Enterprise command, it's history is described in the episode "Obsession".
There is an alien on board the USS Kelvin in the opening scene that looks a lot like the alien from "Star Trek: The Animated Series".

The Number 47 is constantly reffered to in the Star Trek Universe. Writer Joe Monesky of "The Next Generation" and "Voyager" was a member of "The 47 Society" when he attended Pomona College. (The 47 Society believes there is mathematical proof that all numbers add up to 47) He began to include the number 47 in a lot of the writing. There are several 47's in the new movie;
The dock Kirk pulls up to when he decides to join Starfleet is #47, there are 47 Klingon Warbirds destroyed, etc.
At the end of the movie we see Admiral Pike give Kirk a medal and he's in a wheelchair...
A) The medal can be seen on certain outfits Kirk wore on the Original Series.
B) This is a throwback to the pilot episode of the Original Series. Pike (Jeffery Hunter) was the original Captain of the Enterprise, but no one liked that pilot ("The Cage") so they scrapped him and got Shatner to play Kirk in the 2nd Pilot. Footage from "The Cage" became the basis of the 2 part episode "The Menagerie", in it Kirk is captain and footage of Pike is cut in to appear as if he is fleet captain, later we discover that communication with Pike is impossible, since he has been severely burned and paralyzed by exposure to delta rays, he is confined to a wheelchair operated by brainwaves. He cannot speak, and only communicates with a flashing light: one flash means "yes", two flashes mean "no". Thus, explaining in Canon what happened to Pike. Essentially the final scene with Pike in the wheelchair is a reference to these episodes.
B.2) By the way, the light up wheelchair makes an awesome cameo in the "South Park" episode "Pre-school", used by Miss Claridge.
C) The uniform Admiral Pike wears at the end is very similar to the upgraded outfits Kirk and crew wear in "Star Trek: The Motion Picture".

Abrams Easter Eggs
"Tagruato" the fictional company responsible for the release of the "Cloverfield" Monster can be seen in 23rd century San Francisco.

When Uhura orders drinks at the Bar, the Bartender recommends the "Slusho". "Slusho" is also from "Cloverfield" it is a drink made by the Tagrauto Corporation that's main ingredient is seabed nectar. Seabed Nectar is the Cloverfield Monster's main food source. "Slusho" is also referenced in an episode of Abrams' show "Alias". An image of the Slusho appears on the menu when Uhura orders it.

The Same fonts from Abrams' latest show "Fringe" are used to show the audience the locations and times (like IOWA and THREE YEARS LATER)

Thanks to Thai-Duong for pointing out that Kirk rides through Iowa on his motorcycle in the same method used for the Bad Robot logo
The Red Ball. In most of Abrams' projects you will see a red ball, most notably in "Alias" where it is part of the Rambaldi storyline. In Star Trek it is the ball of Red Matter.

Greg Grunberg has cameos in almost all of Abrams' movies and shows. He was Eric Weiss on "Alias" and the Pilot that dies in the first episode of "LOST", but his scene as Kirk's step-father was cut. He can still be heard as the voice in the car.

Star Wars References?
Paramount has just started a contest through their "Star Trek Facebook page". Contestants need to point out which scene has an "R2-D2" from "Star Wars" in it. If you know the answer, email it to with "STAR TREK Easter Egg Sweepstakes" in the subject line for a chance to win an official prop from the film STAR TREK. (It is supposedly the moment where the Enterprise comes out of warp speed into the remains of the other starships).
Also, Apparently when the ship assignments are being read out you can hear "Vader, USS Hood".
I noticed another JJ Abrams Easter egg. The scene where Kirk is riding his motorbike en route to enlist in Starfleet, he rides through the fields on his bike the same way the robot rides through the fields in the Bad Robot opening logo animation.
OH YEAH! I noticed that and didnt even think to Blog it, thanks. I'm gonna include that!!
Kirk is having sex with a green woman near the beginning of the movie. In TOS, season 1, episode 12, "The Menagerie: Part II," when Pike is being manipulated by the aliens on Talos IV, an Orion slave girl is dancing for him and a couple other men. She's green, and one of the men say that the slave girls from this planet are irresistable to human men.
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