The promotion itself is for collectible Star Trek glasses and Toys that released TODAY. Instead of the Burger "King", we meet the Burger Kingons; a hybrid of Burger King and Klingons. They basically come to earth to steal this nerdy kid's Star Trek glasses and his girlfriend. Pretty Funny. The fact that his dog is named Tiberius is the icing on the geek cake.
It has been 25 years since Burger King carried Star Trek glasses so it's nice to see the tradition resurrected for the new film. These are made of glass not paper like the ones available at AMC, so I'm sure they are a must have for Collectors cup aficionados. Also, one will be available each week to ensure that you are going back every week to score a whopper and a glass.

So, of course, now I need to go get these glasses. But I can't really decide on which one I want. There are 4 in the set:

Kirk and the Enterprise (Front, Back, and Box)

Nero and the Narada

Spock, Original Spock, and the Jellyfish

Uhura and the Enterprise
All the glasses are frosted, if you could see these up close you would notice blueprints to the spaceships etched in the frosted parts of the glass (You can click any photos for a zoom).
Also, Each week they will release one kid's meal toy featuring the characters, ships, and communicators from the film. All of the toys have soundeffects. (All these images came from, which also has a video featuring all the toys with sounds).

You know I'm gonna have to go get the figure of my future husband Karl Urban ("Bones" McCoy in the film), but I really think I want to get the communicator and tricorder too so I can run around my backyard and play Star Trek haha. Plus, I really like how similar these toys are to the Burger King "Star Wars III" toys from 2005. They'd probably look really cool displayed together. I would make Spock fight with Han Solo.

Anyways, looks like a pretty cool way to exchange some hard earned cash for things that won't keep you alive during a nuclear winter. The campaign itself has to be one of the most clever things I've ever seen. I absolutely love it. It's funny whether you are a Trekkie, Trekker, or just a dork who thinks the Burger King is a creep.
The movie comes out May 8th, go see it, sneak a whopper and some chicken fries in, and don't forget to pay for it with your limited edition Star Trek AMC Theaters gift card, of course.

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