Here I am watching 1986's "The Punisher", starring Dolph Lundgren. I'm completely oogling this 6'6" Swedish man-god and thinking to myself, ok he's notoriously Ivan Drago in "Rocky IV", but what else has he been in? Everyone knows him as the Russian badass who infamously wanted to "break" Sylvester Stallone and I'm watching some serious acting chops in "The Punisher" (not to mention, perfect genetics), so how come Lundgren hasn't left his mark like other 80's action hunks like Schwarzenegger or Van Damme? IMDB tells me he was He-Man in the "Masters of the Universe" movie, regardless of how boring I find that version to be, how cool would it be to say you played He-Man? There are other shimmers of light in that resume, but lately a lot of direct to video fodder. If you've ever taken a moment to think about him, I'm sure you too have thought "Dolph Lundgren, that guy really didn't do anything"... or, you know, something along those lines. So, I take my curiosity to "

Check this shit out, turns out there is a lot more to Ivan Drago then a couple of acting gigs. His accomplishments are actually really impressive. He can speak 5 languages and turned down a scholarship to M.I.T. to play actor. He's involved in the Olympics and has a 3rd degree blackbelt in some wacky form of karate. Just take a look and you're sure to be amazed by the accomplishments of Dolph Lundgren. It just showed me not to ever underestimate people. Seriously, dude is impressive. On top of this, I just read that he is gonna be in the new Stallone movie "The Expendables" with Jason Statham and Jet Li. This could be the step up script he's needed all these years. So, I officially want to propose Dolph Lundgren appreciation day. I don't want to simply promote his accomplishments, but moreover remind others that we should all strive to be well rounded. If motherfucking Dolph Lundgren can be a badass at everything, we should all hope to be at least moderately good at a few things. Let's do this.
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