Here's a bunch of crap that could be considered one full blog...
Have you been on FMyLife.com yet? Brilliant!
MiniMovieReview: "Henry Poole is Here". Generally I tell people I don't like drama films, but after watching this movie I realize that it's overly-dramatic movies I dislike. Shit like "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Henry Poole is a moving, interesting, strange, yet relate able story. Luke Wilson doesn't always take on the most interesting roles, but with a good story his dramatic strength shows. I liked this movie, it brought me back to a genre I'd given up on. I mean, this isn't gonna snag any awards, but it is splendid in it's simplicity.MMR2: "Cowboy Bebop: The Movie"... Can you handle a little anime? Are you down with a good story, cartoon action, and strangely sexy animation? Then you'll probably like Bebop. It got me extra pumped for the upcoming live action St. Keanu picture.
Bored? Love little shit laying around all over your room? Then consider paper models. Yes, the pastime that is sweeping Japan can be done in your spare time here in the states. I made this incredibly cheesy/ strangely exhilirating model Delorean with a pair of scissors, some scotch tape, and only 4 hours of my precious time. (BTW, I totally F'd up the car's butt). Anyways, if you've got no life, check it out
I guess thats all the weird stuff I had to share tonight. sleepy time, I gots a big test tomorrow. Then LOST episode 4 at 9pm... YAY!
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