So, I was at Disneyland yesterday and as we were going through the Star Wars gift shop I noticed these little badasses. The "Mighty Muggs" line from Hasbro are 6" toys in the style of those Urban Vinyl toys that are really hot right now. Urban Vinyl toys can cost upwards of $100 bucks, so you can understand my shock when I realized these beauties had an MSRP of $10. They are currently available in Star Wars characters (Darth Vader, Luke, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Chewie, Storm Trooper, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, Obi-Won, and my favorite C-3PO) and Marvel Characters (Spidey, Wolverine, Iron-Man, and Venom).
In May they will be releasing a set from Indiana Jones (Indie, Henry Jones, Mola Ram, The Cairo Swordsmen, and The Monkey Man) and the next wave of Star Wars characters (Leia, Lando, Jango Fett, and Commander Cody). Followed by June's release of Yoda, General Greivous, Emperor Palpatine, and an all new Luke Skywalker.
These toys are fun and the fact that they are affordable makes them really appealing; you can pick them up right now at Toys R Us, in your local comic shop, or on Hasbro.com.
Enjoy! PS. Keep your fingers crossed for me that they'll release an EWOK.
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